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Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Random Questions

Why do idiots enjoy being idiots? Why is Cindy Sheehan getting so much media attention? She's an idiot who is dishonoring her son in front of the world. She complains about hurricane Rita getting more coverage on CNN than her stinking, anti-war protest in Washington, DC. I'm glad she was arrested. She makes mothers of soldiers look like idiots, too. And just why is she associating with the Workers of the World party? A truly Communist organization. Any A.N.S.W.E.R. will be appreciated.

Why does Louis Farrakhan think George Bush ordered the levies in New Orleans bombed? Is he really serious about that accusation? If he is, he's an idiot.

Why does George Bush think throwing billions of dollars at reconstruction efforts along the Gulf Coast will be an effective way to rebuild that area? Isn't he just buying support from people who dislike him? Did throwing billions of dollars at farm subsidies increase the output of food? Why does this Republican insist on spending like a Democrat?

Is there any real reason why the seat backs on airplane flights need to be in an upright position for takeoffs and landings? I don't see it. How will a couple inches make a difference. I suspect the real reason for putting those seats up is to give some power and control to the flight attendants and has nothing to do with safety.

Why do some people talk on their cell phones while going through a checkout line at the grocery store? Can't they see how downright rude that is?

Why does anyone think the government is good at doing anything? Tell me one thing the government does better than anyone else. Perhaps the military is the lone exception.

Why is marijuana still illegal and why do we put people who smoke it in jail?

Why do we believe throwing money at our school system will enhance education? Haven't we continually increased spending on schools for decades while test scores have continued to go down? Have we just not thrown enough money that way yet?

If we divvied up all the assets in the United States between every man, woman and child in the country, don't you think that within 2 years all the formerly rich people would be rich again and all the formerly poor people would be poor again? It's an attitude.

Why do I ask rhetorical questions on an internet blog? Do I think I will get an answer from above or something?

Why am I always sleepiest on weekday mornings around 6:30 AM when I need to be getting up?

Why is youth wasted on the young? I'm older and wiser now but I don't have the energy anymore, so what's the point?

Why is the press so liberal these days? Is there a profit to be made from liberalism? I can't see it but there must be some reason for it.

Who said, "If you're not a liberal at age 18, you have no heart. But if you're not conservative by age 30, you have no brain."? Samuel Clemens. Wise man.

Are we there yet? Have we left yet? Where is it we are going?

Where do we go from here, now that all of the children have grown up? Alan Parsons Project.

Why do journalists forget to answer the basic who,what,where,when,why,how questions and instead inject their own opinions into the dialogue?

Why did I buy 3Com stock on it's way down? Why didn't I get in on the Google IPO? When will Sirius make me rich? How about Oracle?

Will I learn the meaning of it all when I die? Can I have a clue now?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to witness it, did it really happen?

If poor people inherit a lot of money, will they still be poor? If a rich person gives away all of his money, is he still rich?

If The Beatles got back together for a reunion tour, would anyone pay to listen to them?

If I had moved to San Diego instead of Orlando after my Navy stint, would I be a liberal today?

If the federal government closed down for one week, would anyone besides the media and the lobbyists notice?

If people hate the IRS, why can't we abolish it and replace it with a sales tax?

Is there a reason why we randomly search old ladies and children at airports instead of middle age muslim men? Why do we pick on old people?

Can we say we have a national border when we don't stop people from crossing illegally? Why should we be giving a driver license to an illegal alien? Shouldn't we be giving him a bill and sending him back to his home country?

What on earth is the outrage about having a person show a valid photo ID when voting? You give up a driver license when you rent time on a pool table for crying out loud! How does it discriminate against the poor by asking for a valid photo ID? I don't see it and furthermore, I think people who claim this is racism are nothing more than idiots!

Boy, was Katrina a racist hurricane or what? Damn bitch! Rita was a lot more politically correct.

If I run out of questions, who will pick up the slack?

So many questions, so little time.


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