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Thursday, April 17, 2008


Meet the Press

Global warming is such a scam! For that matter, so is global poverty. And that can also be said for almost ANY cause that gets pushed to the forefront of the Main Stream Media these days.

I was taught that the purpose of the Press is to objectively report on all the facts going on with whatever is in the national interest. They are the folks who probe the inner workings of government, who ferret out the facts from the misinformation and present what is really going on with this issue or that issue or that politician or whatever.

This is a noble cause and they have done a pretty good job overall throughout the history of this country.

But something has changed during my lifetime and what I observe now is that the press has shifted from their objective reporting to biased reporting with little regard for the facts and more attention given to the emotions and feelings surrounding the issues. This is not a favorable turn of events for the common people who rely upon this reporting to base our own opinions upon.

After all, if we are receiving slanted information, or not all of the relevant information or even incorrect factual information then we have no true basis for making any informed decisions at all.

Thank God for the Internet, Talk Radio and other sources of information retrieval. One can do his own research on the web these days and with enough time and determination, find out the facts of just about anything. But it is not an easy task and most people will not put forth the effort required to check out details and facts and do the proper crosschecking to insure that their information is correct. The Mainstream Media is still the primary means of disseminating information to the masses.

And this is exactly why the Press exists, to inform us truthfully and without bias and allow us to know the difference between the facts and opinions so we are able to decide. We can no longer trust the Press to do this for us. Which is why I thank God for the Internet, but it shouldn't be this way.

When did this attitude of the Press change to reflect their own agenda as opposed to the facts? I have my theory that this, too, is a bi-product of my generation. The dreaming hippie revolution, anti-government, Woodward and Bernstein bringing down Nixon, stopping the Vietnam War, lowering the voting age and then moving into the environment.

There was complicity in the Press for my generation to do these things. Hell, we became the Press to enable these things to be done. My generation set a different agenda and trashed the old traditions along the way. And one of those trashed traditions included an objective Press. We turned that into a subjective Press so that we could get our agenda done. I use "we" loosely here, I NEVER subscribed to this philosophy!

Be careful what you wish for because once the main issues were dealt with, not all hippies moved on with their life and ideals as most adults do. Some hippies migrated to the environmental movement and took their own agenda to a new level. Ever heard the term "watermelon" applied to radical environmentalists? Green on the outside, denoting ecology, and red on the inside, denoting communism/socialism perhaps fascism. I don't trust any environmentalist on the surface.

In my younger years, an approaching ice age was all the scare and early environmental supporters were very scared of this concept. Now the issue has morphed into global warming and the required radical measures necessary to stop this madness. Even as the years seem to become not as warm as the fanatics predicted it has become necessary to their cause to switch the term again to be climate change. This is perfect because now they can use the same term regardless of the impending doom approaching with the weather. How convenient.

And sickening. Even normally sane conservatives are bending to the climate change crowd and are beginning us on the path to destroying our capitalistic economy in favor of protecting our planet. What hogwash!

With the Press advocating drastic changes/taxes/whatever to save us from ourselves, they are able to constantly harass everyone, including children, with their whining about greenhouse gases. What a megaphone for them to pursue their agenda and bring the United States down to the level of the socialistic countries of Europe! Such thorough abuse of the power of the Press.

And that's all I got to say about that!

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