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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Color Me Underimpressed

I watched President Obama on center stage last night giving his not-a-state-of-the-union address before a joint session of Congress. I have little to say that is positive. I am, however, positive that the goofy San Francisco ditz smiling behind him and jumping up from her chair to applaud like she was sitting on a giant spring is completely batty.

Obama talks a good talk, that is, when he has a teleprompter to read from. Let someone ask him a question off the cuff and he stutters and stammers and grasps for words. He reminds me of a deer in the headlights sometimes, because his answers never seem very well thought out. This is a signal to me that he doesn't truly believe what he is telling us.

If your core beliefs are well-defined and you live your life based upon those core beliefs, you will not struggle to answer every question and you don't have to sprinkle every answer with nuances. His stammers tell me that he isn't sure what he really believes and he is trying to answer in such a way as to hide that fact. I think he is pulling the wool over the liberal's eyes. Conservatives are not so easily fooled.

No matter how many times he states that the recession was inherited from his predecessor, or that the deficit was inherited or whatever issue he is dealing with is leftover from someone else, all of those issues are now his and his alone. The OPR triumverate in DC have bought the problems and whatever else happens is upon their shoulders. Will they accept the blame if what they try to do doesn't work? Past experience makes that unlikely.

Have the White House and Congress not watched the stock market the past month? Do they not think the market's negative reactions have anything to do with what they are planning for this country? Even today after his eloquent speech last night, the market is falling still further. Obama gives good oratory, especially on a grand stage like last night. Unfortunately he is always short on details. And we all know the devil is in the details. But then. Americans don't really care about the small stuff, do we?

For better or for worse, we are stuck with liberal philosophy in DC for awhile, so be prepared to bend over at a moment's notice. Nothing is safe from the ravages of left wing liberals in complete charge. This is change we can believe in?

I have held my criticisms since the election, hoping against hope that perhaps there would be some changes for the better. Stupid me. Obama campaigned as a liberal and he's apparently going to govern as one.

Color me underimpressed.


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