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Friday, November 06, 2009


Are you serious?

Famous words from Queen Nancy Pelosi when asked if government requiring individuals to purchase health insurance was constitutional. That's not even in question. Of course it's constitutional. So she repeated the question "Are you serious twice", then moved on to another questioner.

Ditto for Illinois Senator Roland Burris, Barack Obama's temporary replacement in DC. He beileves the constitution explicity states that the government must provide for the health, general welfare and defense of the US. No question there whether it is constitutional.

When pressed on exactly where in the constitution it gives the government the authority to require individuals to purchase health insurance, many politicians will refer to the Interstate Commerce clause and to the Supreme Court decision of the 1930s that gives the government very broad authority to regulate anything that may be interstate commerce whether it currently is interstate or not. A Supreme Court ruling, no less, not an explicit statement in the constitution.

Most legislators today believe the constitution is outdated, an ancient relic of long forgotten times. Most of these legislators have a 'D' behind their name but there are enough of them with the 'R' behind their name that readily agree. As long as these politicians believe this to be true, we the regular citizenry are doomed.

But just this year there seems to be a change blowing in the wind. It started gently with the Tea Party protest on April 15th. It continued through the town hall meetings in August and reared its head again just yesterday on the grounds of the Capitol building. Ordinary Americans are disgusted with the business of politics in Washington, DC. Finally! Finally!

From my perspective, I think the massive takeover of health care by these power hungry bureaucrats will be stopped. I think the same fate awaits the idiotic Cap and Trade bill that the House so happily passed earlier this summer. Too bad we can't stop the spending of the rest of the ridiculous Stimulus bill. But the gauntlet has been thrown down and we'll see how the elite leaders handle it now.

There never seems to be a question anymore whether something the government wants to do is allowed or not. These holier-than-thou people simply assume that anything they want to do they can do. No questions of authority, they derive all the authority they need just by being elected. Bullshit! How arrogant!

How rude and how demeaning! They talk down to us all the time. They think we don't know how to live our lives, how to spend our money, how to decide what is best for ourselves. They think they alone have the answers and they should and will decide everything we need to know and do without our input. Seriously, we are too stupid to know what's best so we need to leave the decisions to them. Trust them and they will take us into the future.

Trust them? Are you serious?


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