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Friday, June 18, 2010


Sympathy for the Devil

The title comes from a 1968 Rolling Stones song off the album Beggar's Banquet. Mick Jagger sings as Lucifer asking for some courtesy, sympathy and taste or he'll lay your soul to waste.

Right about now you may be expecting me to lead into a diatribe about our president, likening him to the devil and begging for some sympathy, courtesy and taste for him because he is certainly in way, way over his head in this job and we're stuck with him for 2 1/2 more years. That would be one way to go, but I have a different Lucifer in mind. Tony Heyward. The face of BP in the Gulf oil spill disaster until today. He has become the devil in the eyes of many Americans but he deserves our sympathy.

I don't mean because he was removed from his high profile position. He'll be fine and it was bound to happen. And I don't mean because he made some stupid comments during this process, everyone does that anyway. And I don't mean anything about what he knew or has done before or during the last two months.

The reason I have sympathy for Tony Heyward is because he endured hours and hours of torturous questioning and lambasting and denigration and contempt from our esteemed legislators who are all too happy to grandstand for the public over one evil entity or another. I commend him for keeping his composure during that ridiculous display of pomposity.

I have sympathy for this man because no one should have to be subjected to a room full of angry, ill-informed legislators who pass laws that don't make sense and that they don't read and that their constituents don't want. Who the hell are they to be using events like this to further their status in life or to grab a few minutes of fame? Who is going to grill Congress for their lack of oversight and responsibility for not performing their jobs properly?

Who is going to drain this swamp? Certainly not Nancy Pelosi. LOL. This swamp is expanding exponentially with no end in sight. Holier than thou attitudes are not what I expect from our elected leaders. Neither do I expect them to pass a stupid bill without reading it. So what does that say about my expectations?

Not wanting to let this crisis go to waste after basically ignoring it for two months, Obama used his Oval Office to tell us to follow him to somewhere, he's not sure where, or how we'll get there, or what we'll do once we get there, but he knows we'll get there and oh, btw, it will cost us much more money but, trust him, it will be worth it. Smashing! What a message. Just like health care!

I have absolutely zero sympathy for this devil. He is more dangerous to our way of life than any politician I know. And I used to say that about his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton. Who knew someone so inexperienced and so smooth-talking with no leadership experience or abilities could actually become president? Huh. Only in America?

We are supposed to be a nation of laws not of man. It is what sets us apart from every other country. It is what has made this country so great for so long. To see these laws being ignored and watch the rule of man being flaunted before our eyes is disgusting. To further watch the showboating of Congressmen to gain a few talking points and to witness a virtual shakedown by the White House of a private, foreign company just boggles my mind. I agree with Congressman Barton, Tony Heyward deserved an apology. Despicable behavior is still despicable behavior no matter the underlying circumstances.

Anyway, so long Tony Heyward. I, for one, hope you get your life back.


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