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Wednesday, April 11, 2012


What Kind of "Math" are They Using?

Cue Joe Biden, mouthpiece extraordinaire. "I’m for the Buffett Rule because it just makes sense. Like the President says—it’s not class warfare. It’s math."

Mathematics is a scientific discipline that deals with rigid, known facts. 2 + 2 = 4. Always. Pretty simple stuff really. Until the President and his minions start preaching. Who would've guessed!

Obama's proposed increase in taxes on millionaires, his so-called "Buffet Rule", is what Mr. Biden is referring to in his quote. Surely he must be right, right? Increasing taxes to a minimum of 30% for incomes over $1,000,000 is not class warfare, it's math. The increase raises a projected $47 Billion in 10 years. The projected deficit in these 10 years is $6.4 Trillion. How much math skill does it take to realize that those two numbers do not reconcile?

Obama has repeatedly said that he would raise taxes on the wealthy for purposes of "fairness". Sure thing. This president is all about being fair, right? So how fair is it that nearly 50% of the working population pays exactly ZERO income taxes? What kind of math is that?

Obama believes the maxim that if you tell a lie, a big, big lie, often enough and passionately enough it will become the truth. He states he is not about class warfare, he is about math. After all, who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes? Isn't that how Groucho Marx would have phrased it?

Do you believe? I mean, can you feel the love?

Let's increase the taxes on those filthy, disgusting, evil rich people so that more of the common folks can enjoy my largess and give thanks to me, Barack, for making your lives better. Bow down before me and I will always ensure a strong middle class and a stronger poor class. The hell with the rich class(as long as I already got mine, anyway). Let's face it, folks, you just aren't really smart enough to know how much good and how many wonderful things I have done for this country.

England increased taxes on the wealthy a year or two ago and found the revenue generated actually decreased. Odd huh? Not really. When you tax something you get less of it. Economics 101. Kennedy decreased the tax rates and got more revenue. Same thing with Reagan. Same thing back in the 1920s with Silent Cal Coolidge. Lower tax rates means more tax revenues. Happens ALL THE TIME. Increase taxes, get less revenue. Decrease taxes, get more revenue. But not according to Mr. Obama.

Mr-I-am-So-Smart-It-Takes-a-Law-Degree-To-Understand-Me when I speak about the "group of unelected people" who are about to overturn the best damn legislation ever passed in this country by a strong, democratic majority, believes he can say one thing and do the exact opposite because no one of importance will call him on it.

And he is almost right. His media will surely not call him on anything that makes him look bad, and he can count on that. The people who can see through his inane, bullshit rhetoric call him out every day and that will not stop. Let's hope enough people know more about basic math than the president does.

Just remember, this is not class warfare, this is math. I am not a socialist. I am not trying to redistribute the wealth. I am not a crook. This is just MATH.

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit outa my hat. But that trick never works. This time for sure.

Hey Baracky, watch us vote you outa office. We get more votes than you and it's over. It's not class warfare. It's math.


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