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Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hey Look, a Squirrel!

You know how the mass media are always so focused on what stories to cover and at examining the issues from various points of view so that the public has a good overall idea on what is happening in our government and have the data to make up their own minds?

Neither do I.  Hey look over there.  It's Beyonce and Jay-Z in Cuba.

According to the mainstream media, one of the major topics of discussion currently is gun control.  One might think that a survey of some 15,000 law enforcement officials across the country on their opinions about certain gun control policies would be extremely helpful information while discussing proposals for gun ......  Hey look, the Obamas are having a party in the White House.  Michelle looks so nice in her gown.

Obama says limiting the size of magazines, banning "assault weapons", (what does that mean?) and extending background checks is a common sense solution to curbing gun violence.  The law enforcement community does not feel that way.  But will the liberal media or politicians tell us the.......  Hey look, there's Mitch McConnell trying to sabotage Ashley Judd.

The president shut down the tours of the White House due to budget "cuts" ordered by the sequestration.  They also are closing Air Traffic Control towers around the country for this reason.  You might think the president would want some control over what to cut and how to.......  Hey look, there's an Easter Egg hunt happening on the White House lawn.  Did you know Easter is a Christian holiday?

I just read where Janet Napolitano is buying bagpipes for the Department of Homeland Security.  Now there's a good use of funds.  Much better that we have enough bagpipes on hand to stop the flow of illegal aliens, oops undocumented immigrants, from Mexico.  Or maybe the illegals can be trained to play them at Obama's.........  Hey look, Joe Biden says for women to just fire a shotgun up in the air or through the front door if they're worried.

There's a trial going on in Philadelphia for an abortion doctor, I use the term loosely, Kermit Gosnell who butchered babies in unsanitary conditions in his clinic for decades.  The atrocities committed by him would rival those in the "Hostel" movies. Snipping the spinal cord of a near term baby outside the womb and leaving it to "scream like a little alien" as it slowly dies on the table.  These atrocities are what we get with legalized abortion on demand.  Partial birth abortion is an issue that Obama supports. Do we hear about this trial and these atrocities and how Obama voted for.........  Hey look, James Holmes of Aurora, Colorado has a beard.  Wow.  Did you see Gabby Giffords today?  Doesn't she look marvelous?

North Korea is rattling their sabre again.  Kim Yong Un has grown up and now he has a full blown Army to play with.  Doesn't he look cute as he examines his troops.  Doesn't he sound crazy as he threatens South Korea and America.  Never underestimate the power of a crazy man with an army.  Do we have a missile defense system in place to contain him?  Didn't Obama tell us he was eliminating all of our nuclear weapons?  Didn't he cancel....... Oh look, the president is shooting hoops in the backyard.  He is such a good athlete.  And Michelle looks so good in her sun dress.

Yeah, politics is a wonderful thing.

Not sure how the squirrels feel about it, though.


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